Don't Quit your Daydream, Free Girl!

Do you have a dream?  If you do- do not, I repeat DO NOT give up just because you’ve taken a turn that was unexpected. Dreams are full of work and surprises and turns around every corner though sometimes telling our emotions that is a whole other story!

Since moving to Hawaii from Oregon, several times I’ve caught myself thinking maybe I should throw in the towel on my boutique simply because I felt as if I was having to start over, and you know how that goes, aaaall those doubts!  Be VERY careful what thoughts you entertain. Thoughts turn into words, words turn into actions and actions determine our destiny! 

This is the thing though- if you can't stop dreaming about it, it's probably because you need to be doing it! I love this quote: “Don’t quit your daydream” because all my life that’s where I’ve been, in the clouds daydreaming away!  I used to really despise that about myself but as I’ve gotten older I’ve come to realize that God made me to be a dreamer, a creator, an energetic and artistic butterfly that flutters around finding, making and even selling beautiful things. I get bored easy. I forget what I am supposed to be doing half the time. I can move from one thing to the other without finishing the first thing I started. I'm kind of a hot mess in the natural but when you see it as a whole- I am a reflection of HIM, my creator: just as I am. I've learned to like that about myself.

The boutique dream started when I was a little girl and I have been doing it in my head for all these years. To make it come to pass in real time has been a dream come true. One that requires lots of work, and even more FAITH! Even when doubt has set in- the daydreaming doesn't turn off. That's a good cue I'm on to something. 

 If you can’t stop daydreaming about your dream, that probably means you are meant to do it! The reason why I named my boutique: 'Free Girl' was because my hearts desire is to see us all with a giant quote just radiating over our cute little heads that says: “Free to be ME!”

God wants you to be free, girl!

 Last night my four-year-old told me she wanted to be a nurse when she grows up. I asked her, “Do you think it’s going to be hard for you to wipe up other peoples blood?”  Lol!  Yes, I actually asked her that. Haha.  I know I wouldn’t want to do that!  She said “No, I will just get them a Band-Aid and help them feel better.”  The craziest thing about that is, I saw that on her a couple years ago. God told me not to be surprised when that comes up.  I believe that’s probably what she’ll end up doing, or something quite like it!  God created her that way for a reason just as he created me and you and every girl around you just as we are for a reason! 


I think right now more than ever, our identities as daughters of God are being attacked on a whole 'nutha level, I mean, I’ll be the first to admit, I see other peoples Instagram profiles or watch them hit goals in life and it really tries to trip me up. I admit it- I have been tempted to compare myself to them, tempted to feel like what I’m doing is not enough, that I’m not going to succeed in my endeavors, you name it! Why? Why is my brain tempted to go in that direction? I'll tell you why: we have an enemy that HATES when we're free.  

Girls- it's time to get serious. It's time to fight back. We will NOT entertain those thoughts ANYMORE.  This battle must be won because that lying enemy of our souls would give anything to get us so focused on the left and the right that we can’t focus on the bull’s-eye of our OWN PURPOSE right in front of us! Why? Because when we are living with purpose and intention as one of the many facets of our creator, it reminds him that he's no longer a part of that. He hates it. He hates us. We however, are FREE as daughters of God and the weightiness of comparison, confusion and a wandering spirit do not belong!

So rests the question- WHAT were you created to do?!  Maybe you know and you've been struggling or on the verge of it.  Maybe you have felt like giving up. Maybe you have wanted to turn in the keys to your destiny and thought "Someone else can have it, it's too hard; or maybe you don't yet know?

Purpose can be a funny thing.  Like, that's a really big word with a lot of weight behind it, BUT when we look at the original definition it becomes pretty clear. Purpose: the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. Whew! That's good. 

When pondering lifes questions like "Why do I exist and what in the world is my purpose" I think it's super helpful to go back to the beginning.  All the way back: to the garden of Eden.  Do you remember when God and Adam and Eve just walked along together, in a perfect relationship, enjoying paradise together?  God gave them dominion over that whole territory, and yes they had a job to do: it was to tend to the paradise they lived in, to tend to each other, to make babies, (the guys love that part of the story) and to Wow what a job!  Can you imagine how wonderful that must’ve been?  I bet you Adam and Eve daydreamed all the time about ways they wanted to garden, games they wanted to play, future baby names, foods they wanted to create, what to name the animals. Haha, they actually had a lot to do!

 Did you know that God‘s intention is to bring us back to that place where heaven and earth meet again in a perfect paradise?  The cool part to think about is: all of us will still have unique roles to play on this beautiful big earth, even then! 

We get so caught up in the busy-ness of life and the ‘crushing goals’ and the ‘slaying’ and the 'hustle' that it can be easy to forget God‘s original purpose for us, to be human beings-not human doings!  When we are 'being', yes there is work to do, but it should come from a place of creativity, spark, excitement, passion! 

What is it you can contribute to this world that comes so naturally to you like the artsy fartsy does for me and Band-Aiding peoples ouchies does to Gemma?!  I promise you: you were created to do great things and it will feel like you are 'being' as you are 'doing'- as long as you are doing the very thing you are supposed to be doing! 

Dig in, go back to the garden, take a walk with your creator and ask Him: "What do you have for me?"  If you already know what it is, hold on tight because it will be a wild ride, it will be work, but you will have fun doing it and you will be a reflection of God on this earth as you do you! There will be SO many twists and turns and surprises and even yes, setbacks, but do you know what a good set back does? It SETS you up for a good comeback! So there it is. 

All that to say; I'm not giving up on my daydream and YOU shouldn't either!  It will be work, but it will be worth it because we will be just as we are created to be: FREE, girl! 


XO my beautiful GF's,




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